Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dew on the Bamboo

I came across these beautiful lines some time ago.It was written by an 11th century Chinese poet.

Softly, slowly on two bamboo twigs,
The sweet dew nestles among the leaves.

Plants and trees have sprung to life
Yin and Yang have now combined.

The deep-set hills and confined vales,
From age to age remain unchanged.

From "Dew on the Bamboo"

Vive la home made brews!

I was initiated into the art(?) of making the simplest of brews, recently. A friend said," Just put some pieces of fruit in a bottle, add some hot water, sprinkle some sugar and keep the bottle airtight. With the kind of humidity that we are subjected to, you can start quaffing in four days or so." It sounded too good to be true and since I had some bananas on the verge of their sell-by-date, I quickly did the needful. And after four days...voila, ambrosia cometh! Pale yellow, sweet, but not overly so, with the punch and kick firmly in place!
Well, I'm no stranger to home made brews. I come from a culture where making rice wine is a tradition and no social ceremony is complete without it. But that takes some time and effort but this is great, considering how easy it is.
Since then I've been scouring the net for recipes. And as I write this, in my kitchen cabinet, sits a bottle of pear liqueur-in-the-making. Choicest pears cut into pieces, vodka poured in till it reached above the level above the fruit. Steep, filter and let it mature. By November, this will be ready. Of course there'll be others in the production line--pineapple and oranges. Till then, I'm glad my glass of banana brew sits pretty, waiting for me!
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I love....

  • Dew on the bamboo, yellow flowers and orange sunsets, the sound of rain...the whistle of the wind, the rush of flowing water, the smell of woodsmoke, the crackle of a wood fire,the moon in all its phases.......

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